At DocApply Mortgage Brokerage NMLS 2350637, we are wholeheartedly committed to ensuring that our website is accessible to all, including individuals with disabilities. Our dedication is not just about compliance but stems from a belief that everyone deserves an easy and seamless online experience.

Our Commitment and Approach

  1. Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1: We strive to adhere to the accepted guidelines and standards for accessibility and usability as stipulated by the WCAG 2.1. We have invested in resources to ensure our website's content is easy to use for everyone. Our efforts include the use of screen readers and ensuring compatibility with various browsers.
  2. Feedback on Accessibility: We appreciate and value feedback from our users. If you face any issues or barriers in accessing information on our website, please reach out to us. We aim to respond promptly to your concerns and will do our best to provide you with an alternative method to access the information.Please include a description of the problem, the specific web page address, and your contact information.
  3. Known Accessibility Issues: While we are striving to improve, we acknowledge there might be some areas of our website that aren't fully accessible. If you encounter such areas, we urge you to get in touch, and we'll provide alternative ways for you to access the content.
  4. Laws and Policies: Our commitment to accessibility is in compliance with local and national guidelines. We regularly review our policies to ensure we provide a compliant digital environment.